What does research have to say about how learners acquire a new language? How might teaching methods and approaches be informed by research? Below you’ll find some links to useful readings and videos on this theme.
For a searchable database of research summaries try the OASIS database from the University of York, England.
Rod Ellis gives a brief overview in 2020 of the history of SLA (Second Language Acquisition) research (Time: 20 minutes)
Geoff Jordan writes about-what makes a good second language acquisition theory (Time: 20 minutes)
Rod Ellis in 2005 examines the notions of implicit and explicit knowledge and how they can be measured reliably (Time: 30 minutes)
Richard Schmidt writes in 1988 about the role of consciousness in second language learning (Time: 30 minutes)
Michael Tomasello’s “Construction Grammar for Kids”. An essay relating to child language acquisition. (Time: 30 minutes)
This article by Vyvyan Evans attacks the claims of writers such as Noam Chomsky and Steven Pinker that there is a natural, innate instinct for language learning. (Time: 15 minutes)
Jeffrey Lidz defends the Chomskyan view of language in a 2016 article in Scientific American (Time: 20 minutes)
This Nick Ellis article puts forward the case that learning a language is just like any form of learning. He explains what is meant by emergentism (Time: 30 minutes +)
Nick Ellis explores the interplay of explicit and implicit language learning (Time: 30 minutes)
A brief history of attitudes to conscious and unconscious second language learning from the Language Teacher Toolkit blog (Time: 10 minutes)
William O’Grady writes about emergentism (which disputes the idea that humans have an innate ability to learn languages) (Time: 10 minutes)
What is Universal Grammar? Ewa Dabrowska, in a review article, discusses the arguments for and against (Time: 25 minutes +)
The theory of Universal Grammar described by Vivian Cook (Time: 25 minutes)
What is skill acquisition? Masumeh Taie’s article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the theory (Time: 20 minutes)
Vivian Cook summarises Stephen Krashen’s influential hypotheses (Time: 5 minutes)
What is processing instruction? Victoria Russell of the ACTFL describes it in a brief article (Time: 5 minutes)
What do we know about aptitude for second language learning? This 2017 article from Wen, Bledron and Skehan cites examines the latest models in the research field (Time: 25 minutes)
Robert Schmidt explains the Noticing Hypothesis from a paper presented in 2010 (Time: 20 minutes)
Gianfranco Conti compares the Grammar-Translation approach with Communicative Language Teaching (Time: 10 minutes)
Foreign language aptitude - yesterday and today. From Wen (2016) who believes working memory plays a significant role (Time: 20 minutes).
In this article Liang Aimin describes socio-cultural theory (particularly Vygotsky) and its implications for language teaching pedagogy (Time: 15 minutes)
Justin Slocum Bailey of presents an illustrated video about mental representation of language and skill (based on an article by Bill VanPatten (Time: 8 minutes)
Bill VanPatten gives a talk entitled “What everyone should know about second language acquisition (Time: 20 minutes)
Stephen Krashen, talking back in the 1980s, talks about how we acquire new languages (Time: 15 minutes).
Margot Mitsutomi and Minna Kirjavainen deliver a presentation about the differences and similarities between first and second language acquisition (Time: 32 minutes)
What are the main theories of second language acquisition? Matthew Johnson gives an illustrated talk (Time: 16 minutes)
What’s the best method? Scott Thornbury talks entertainingly about different language teaching methods over the years (Time: 50 minutes)
Karen Tharrington presents an illustrated video about socio-cultural theory and second language acquisition (based on a chapter in VanPatten and Williams (2015) (Time: 10 minutes)
Robert DeKeyser talks with slides about age effects on second language acquisition (Time: 36 minutes)
How important is it for learners to notice aspects of the form of the language they encounter? Jack C. Richards explains the Noticing Hypothesis (Time: 5 minutes)
Peggy Marcy talks about the concept of interlanguage and about error analysis (Time: 4 minutes)
In this first part in a series of entertaining lectures Bill VanPatten talks on the subject: “What everyone should know about second language acquisition” (Time: 19 minutes)
Moti Liebermann talks about transfer - how our first language affects the acquisition of a second (Time: 8 minutes)
A wide-ranging discussion featuring Ellen Bialystok and Laura-Anne Petitto about bilingualism, its cognitive benefits and how children acquire languages in general (Time: 28 minutes)