Gianfranco Conti explores issues relating to the teaching of pronunciation in this referenced blog post (Time: 10 minutes)

Alasdair Archibald provides an overview of research issues relating to the teaching of writing, including the role of instruction and assessment (Time: 8 minutes)

An article about teaching the writing process in L1 and L2 (Time: 10 minutes)

This 2015 study examined whether output, and associated ‘noticing’ of form, improved acquisition of a grammatical structure (Time: 20 minutes)

Zhang Jun’s review of the history of research into second language writing (Time: 30 minutes)

This book chapter by Anne Burns examines in detail recent research about the process of speaking and what this might mean for teaching it (Time: 30 minutes)

Task repetition (within the framework of Task-Based Language Learning) has been found by researchers to increase the fluency, range and accuracy of learners’ second language production. This study by Mohammad Ahmadian suggested that intermediate learners with higher working memory capacity improved fluency and accuracy on repeating a task (Time: 15 minutes)

This study by Ewa Donesch-Jezo examines the role of pushed output, also known as forced output. Do learners acquire more when they are forced to use language in production? The article includes a useful summary of literature and the issue at stake. Her study found an advantage for pushed output (Time: 15 minutes)

A 2018 summary of research into second language writing by Azim Javadi-Safa, often thought to be the hardest skill (Time: 25 minutes)


Peggy Marcy describes three stages of teaching speaking (Time: 3m 41)

Jack C. Richards discusses the nature of second language writing as ways to teach it (Time: 13 minutes)

Rob McCollum looks at input, output and interaction (Time: 10 minutes)

Florencia Henshaw delivers a super webinar about the role of output, including analysis if particular lesson activities. Highly recommended. (Time: 1h 33)